Friday, June 3, 2016

Hold onto your seatbelt as we cross over to another digital medium!!! GOOGLE DRIVE Follow the link to Mrs Kumar's google drive page.  They have been getting up to some interesting things!


Here's a collage we made of just a few of our pieces of artwork.  See if you can predict the meaning of some of their artwork!

Maori Designs


In room 17, we have been learning about Maori designs.

A few Maori designs that we discussed were the koru, roimata, single twist, triple twist, whale/ dolphin tail, and the toki.

The children had to learn about what these designs symbolised, so they could portray a story about their family through these designs.

"The two outside koru patterns represent my parents.  The three koru patterns on the inside of my art, show my two brothers, and myself.  At the top of my art I have used a toki, this is to show the power and leadership my dad has. The two roimatas on the side of my artwork show the loss of my dog and my nana, that were very special to me," Luke.

We also talked about warm and cool colours.  They were to chose warm colours to use in either the background or foreground and then choose the opposite for the other section of their art.